Writing Tips, Ideas & Examples for #KidDay

Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® is right around the corner (third Thursday in March)! If you find yourself running a little low on creativity, here are some ideas to help get you started writing/telling a kid in your life why they are absolutely incredible: + Try using a different word than incredible: Is

5 Ways to Make a Big Impact for Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®

Here at Camp Fire, every day is about helping kids thrive. But we wanted to take one day a year to really do it BIG. That’s why we started Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® in 1997. Every year on the third Thursday of March, thousands of adults across the country join Camp Fire

The Power of Praise

Our partners at On Our Sleeves are experts on youth mental health, so we asked them what advice they have for adults who want to encourage young people for Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® on March 21st. Whitney Raglin Bignall, PhD, Associate Clinical Director, The On Our Sleeves Movement For Children’s

#KidDay: An invitation to connection

Every third Thursday in March, Camp Fire celebrates Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®, a holiday dedicated to encouraging the amazing young people in our lives. Since we founded it in 1997*, millions of people have marked #KidDay with messages to their favorite younger folks, telling them why they matter.   It’s our

A 2023 #KidDay Message from our National Youth Advisory Cabinet

Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® is only a few days away and we can’t let the holiday pass without talking about incredible the young people on our National Youth Advisory Cabinet (YAC). Camp Fire’s YAC has 11 dedicated young people who give their experience, insight, and presence to Camp Fire National

Spend time with children in nature for Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®

Guest post by Amelia Rhodeland, MPA, Content Production Manager, Children & Nature Network For Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®, spend some time outdoors with the young people in your life. I can’t imagine a better way to show them that you care about them. Research shows that families who spend time
Photo of Military families and their kids

Encourage and Recognize Military Youth on Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®

Guest post by Daniel W. Hatcher, MPH, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships, Alliance for a Healthier Generation Today, there are over 2 million children of active-duty U.S. service members, National Guard Reserve, and military veterans. On average, military families move every two to three years. This means that by the

Growing Up is Hard – But You Can Make it Less Lonely 

You can’t be a growing human without experiencing some amount of pain, discomfort and suffering. But the past few years have introduced new challenges to being a kid: Pandemic isolation, climate fears, political instability, and constant availability of tech tools designed to hijack our brain chemistry to maximize use. Just

The Power In Words of Affirmation

I opened my journal and wrote ‘positive words’ on the left side and ‘negative words’ on the right. I made a list of words for both. Not only, did I cringe when I wrote on the negative side, but it also hurt me to see those words written, emotionally. I