Getting focused: Our goals for 2023-2025

Well, hello, 2023. What do you have in store for us? Our new strategic plan has some (very exciting) spoilers.   We opened 2022 with a new vision for Camp Fire: We envision a world where all young people thrive and have equitable opportunities for self-discovery, community connection, and engagement with

One of our values: We get outdoors.

April 22 is the official Earth Day holiday, but as every inhabitant of this planet knows in their very molecules…every day is Earth Day! We are hurtling through our galaxy on this gorgeous globe. We humans are made of the same elements as our home, and we share the same

Camp Fire’s Values Deepen as We Grow

When Camp Fire began in 1910, its values were simply “work, health, love.” As we’ve grown and expanded—and as humans continue to better understand ourselves and how we can help each other thrive—our organizational values have deepened. As part of our efforts to refocus on Camp Fire’s why (growing up

Camp Fire Names Two New Council CEOs and Youth Advisory Cabinet Chair to National Board of Trustees

KANSAS CITY, MO (Feb. 24, 2022) – National inclusive youth development organization Camp Fire, is proud to announce that it has added two new council CEOs and a Youth Advisory Cabinet (YAC) Chair to the National Board of Trustees. Their combined Camp Fire experience of 64+ years brings an extremely

Camp Fire National Staff Continue Lead in Their Field

“We are learners” and “We pursue impact“: These are two of our eight core values that help guide our organization. Our Camp Fire staff embody these values and we have a lot to celebrate when it comes to the caliber of our staff. To that end, we’re thrilled to share

How we moved Camp Fire forward in 2021: Part 2

  As we discussed in Part 1, and as you’re well aware, 2021 was a weird one. Was it its own year, or did 2020 just…keep…going? While the pandemic continues to warp our experience of time, 2021 snaps into focus when we look at the progress we’ve made on the

How we moved Camp Fire forward in 2021: Part 1

Can you believe it? We’re staring down the last days of 2021. If you are asking yourself two simultaneous questions—Wait, I thought it was still 2020? and Shouldn’t we be in the 2030s by now?—you are not alone. It’s been a weird one, friends. Weird, hard and…good?  Meditating on shared

Camp Fire Chief Strategy Officer Shawna Rosenzweig Elected To The National Afterschool Association (NAA) National Board of Directors

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WASHINGTON, D.C., July 7, 2021 – The National AfterSchool Association (NAA), the voice of the afterschool profession and lead organization for the advancement of afterschool professionals and leaders has announced that Shawna Rosenweig, Chief Strategy Officer of Camp Fire National Headquarters, has been elected a member of

Hate Has No Home in Camp Fire

.      Two nights ago, eight people were killed in violence across three Asian-owned spas in Atlanta, six of them being Asian American women. We are devastated by this news. As we mourn and reflect, we also want to take action in solidarity with the Asian American community inside