Using “Pulse Checks” to Empower Young People

Want to make sure the young people in your life are heard, supported and empowered? It may be time for a Pulse Check. This Camp Fire tool was developed for our own programs, but you can put its principles to use at the dinner table, on the playing field, or

How Camp Fire Staff Build Youth-Driven Programs

Camp Fire is both for young people and created by young people. This isn’t just aspirational: Our commitment to youth voice is carried out in very practical ways by thousands of Camp Fire staff at the program level.  Here are a few ways that Camp Fire programs are led by

Young people want to shape the world – now

A recent survey by the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE) found “83 percent [of youth ages 18-24] say they believe young people have the power to change the country.”  That’s exactly what we want young people in Camp Fire to discover, practice, and believe: