Camp Fire Alaska - Five young people sitting on a log laughing

But what does belonging feel like?

Creating belonging is a moral good, sure, but sometimes we need to take a second to remember just how good belonging feels. When have you experienced the power of belonging?  We talk a lot about belonging at Camp Fire. It’s woven into our values. (We are inclusive. We work to
LaSheé, Shawna, Nikki

Creating a Just Organization Through Distributed Leadership: A conversation with LaSheé Thomas and Nikki Roe Cropp

Originally posted by Shawna Rosenzweig May 10, 2023 I believe anyone can lead from anywhere in an organization. Actual leadership has little to do with title or position and more to do with influence. At Camp Fire, our definition of leadership and shared power also includes young people in the
Hiking in the forrest

An open letter to Camp Fire parents

To: Camp Fire camp parents/caregivers From: Nikki Roe Cropp, Director, Program Effectiveness Dear current or prospective Camp Fire camp parent/caregiver: Hi! We are so excited you are thinking about or already have enrolled your child in a Camp Fire camp this summer!  Safety is likely forefront of your mind as

8 Ways to Encourage Youth Inclusivity and Diversity

Want to help the kids in your life embrace diversity and learn to welcome everyone? True inclusion is a lifelong process. Here’s how to get started. Investigate your own biases and privileges. Getting acquainted with our personal blind spots is the first step to helping the kids in our lives

Inclusion & Diversity: Good for Kids

Camp Fire welcomes all kids and teens! Our programs reflect America’s own diversity. We served more than 184,000 youth and their families in 2017. Fifty-eight percent girls, 42 percent boys, and .1 percent transgender. Last year, eight percent of our participants were individuals with disabilities. Generally, our race and ethnographics

On My Mind: Radical Notions of Inclusion

Today we’re reposting a message our CEO, Cathy Tisdale, wrote in June 2016. Those tough conversations about inclusion she talked about? Yep, we’re still having them. And Camp Fire still is—and always will be—a champion for inclusion and diversity. Camp Fire is for everyone. See the original post:  

Inclusive Since 1910

Camp Fire Statement of Inclusion One of the things that makes Camp Fire stand out among other organizations for youth is its long history of inclusion and diversity leadership. Camp Fire was founded to give kids who were being marginalized—girls—opportunities no one else was offering them. Throughout its 108+ year