Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® is only a few days away and we can’t let the holiday pass without talking about incredible the young people on our National Youth Advisory Cabinet (YAC).
Camp Fire’s YAC has 11 dedicated young people who give their experience, insight, and presence to Camp Fire National Headquarters leadership each month to ensure that youth voice is part of what we do at every level. YAC’s creativity, humor, candor, energy, and passion are such a gift to us and we are so grateful for them.
At our last meeting, we asked YAC what they thought young people needed to hear right now for #KidDay. This is what some of them shared:
“You are important! Your opinions and values matter, and you are worthy of attention, happiness, and love, so be kind to yourself, and don’t let anyone tell you different!”
– Bella Thornton
“You can’t pour from an empty cup. Make time for yourself every day to relax and spend time doing things you love.!”
– Ella Sherlock
“Being yourself is powerful. Be honest with yourself and others! Let yourself enjoy life, continue to be honest with yourself, and let yourself be a powerful person.”
– Khalilah Wilson

Above all, they wanted young people to know they are loved and seen and celebrated.
“Keep pushing. Don’t give up. Your opinions matter.”
#KidDay is March 16th. Tell your words are powerful. Tell the young people in your life how amazing they are.