The Afterschool Snack, a resource of the Afterschool Alliance, recently ran an article on how to tap into the calendars of your state and national officials now that they’re nearing their yearly recess.
Camp Fire councils are doing amazing work around the nation. When elected officials get the opportunity for a firsthand look at Camp Fire, they realize the value of the work we do, especially with after-school programming. With after-school funding a front-burner issue for so many, we encourage you to take the time to invite your representatives to your sites.
Everyone at Camp Fire knows afterschool is an essential component of the typical school day for thousands of youth around the county. It helps shape the lives of youth in the process of shaping their futures. And now, more than ever, we need to help provide the proof—to those who can shape policy—that quality after-school efforts make a clear and distinct difference. We need to help sway dialog to the reality that after-school programs need to be retained in the current budget.
A few resources to help you get started include:
Afterschool for All Challenge toolkit
How to host a successful site visit