The Power of Praise

Our partners at On Our Sleeves are experts on youth mental health, so we asked them what advice they have for adults who want to encourage young people for Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® on March 21st. Whitney Raglin Bignall, PhD, Associate Clinical Director, The On Our Sleeves Movement For Children’s
Illustration of a young person looking stressed - there is a thought bubble with words: eating in public, family dinners, family expectations, less alone time, final exams, etc.

Supporting young people through the holidays: 20 ways to help this season

The holidays: when both cheer and stress levels reach epic highs. Many young people are already struggling with mental health issues, and the season creates extra challenges. Gatherings can highlight family tensions, sleep and routines get disrupted, and normal sources of support (like school counselors and Camp Fire programming) aren’t

Your Child’s Work Future & the Urgency of Social-Emotional Learning

You know Camp Fire’s mission is to help kids and teens find their sparks right now. But we also know that giving youth the tools to thrive today means they’ll keep on thriving tomorrow. So, we want to take a quick break from our usual present-focus to talk about how

How Social-Emotional Learning Helps Your Kids Thrive

On a gut-level, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) makes total sense. We know young people need whole-life tools to thrive. But what does the research say? In short, Social-Emotional Learning works. Here’s a run-down of some leading studies tracking social-emotional learning outcomes in the classroom and beyond. Social-Emotional Learning programs improve performance

What in the World is Social-Emotional Learning?

We’ve spent some time on the blog this year helping connect the dots between Camp Fire’s long legacy of leadership and the movements happening in the wider youth development world. You may remember our post about how Positive Youth Development research has backed up Camp Fire’s kid-first approach. Today, we’re