Alumni Task Force Builds Connections

Brooke Frickleton has a pretty classic Camp Fire alumni story: With a Camp Fire leader mom and an older sister already in the program, Brooke joined her local group in kindergarten. Part of Camp Fire Central Puget Sound, Brooke grew up with a tight core group of fellow Camp Fire
NASA Chief Flight Director Holly Ridings, the first woman to hold the position, describes the current mission happening on the International Space Station in mission control at Johnson Space Center Thursday Sept. 27, 2018 in Houston

From Camp Fire to Mission Control: NASA Chief Flight Director Holly Ridings’s Alumni Story

If you were one of the 10 million people who watched NASA and SpaceX launch astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley (Bob and Doug) to the International Space Station in May, you have seen Camp Fire alumni Holly Ridings’s life’s work on display.  Holly Ridings is NASA’s chief flight director,

Thank you Camp Fire Alumni

Camp Fire is proud of its legacy and we’re proud of those who have walked before us. Over July, we celebrated our alumni on social media and called for them to share some of their memories.  Each one of the memories alumni shared deserves the honor it was given. From

Celebrating Camp Fire Alumni: Dr. Hester Turner’s 100th

Dr. Hester Turner By Cheryl Kravitz If you are very lucky, there are times you meet a person who will have lasting impact on your life. The encounter might take a few minutes, a few hours, or, if you are fortunate, could last over the course of many years. Dr.

Living Life with Forward Momentum: One College Senior’s Key to Success

When a book on growth mindset becomes a young man’s go-to college companion — one he shared with his roommate who was struggling with challenging life decisions — it’s clear that tenacity and courage (the cornerstones of a growth mindset) have sunk in, and sunk in deep. In conversation with

Thrive{ology} at Work

Camp Fire doesn’t have to look very far to realize our movement is full of thriving youth. They’re all around us—in camps, in afterschool programs, and accepting awards. Youth who thrive achieve their full potential. We’re proud of our youth. We’re proud to have helped. Take a look at a