The Power In Words of Affirmation

I opened my journal and wrote ‘positive words’ on the left side and ‘negative words’ on the right. I made a list of words for both.

Not only, did I cringe when I wrote on the negative side, but it also hurt me to see those words written, emotionally. I wrote down words like cold, hurtful, insult, lingering, and sadness. When I began thinking on the positive side, they were all warm, comforting, and felt good to add to my journal. I liked seeing love, happy, kindness, caring, and sincere written in my notes. The visual helped me process and marinate on the impact of words.

As an intern with Camp Fire National HQ this Spring 2021, one of my goals has been to help build the national Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® 2021 campaign, all about uplifting the children in our lives. Words of encouragement are the single driving force of this holiday. Whether you choose to say them, write them, or make a post about the children in your life; it doesn’t matter. What matters is that we make sure to use our words to uplift the children in our lives on March 18th, 2021.

Words of affirmation are one of the most powerful ways we show love to our friends and family. As I consider how much I, personally, enjoy a kind word from a friend, I am reminded of all the children who may not have that each day. One in three children will grow up without ever having a mentor ( I worry about those kids. I wonder who is going to cheer them on and empower them to chase their dreams.  Then I come back around to the national holiday primarily focused on encouraging children and a new dream washes over me. I wish that on this day, every child hears a kind and loving word about them. My hope is that on Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®, we can start a movement of affirmations and be excited to reach out to every child in our lives and remind them why they are Absolutely Incredible.

I think that on this special holiday, we can expand our reach to touch not only the kids we see every day but also to the hearts of those who may not hear it as often. I believe that the weight rests on our shoulders. It is our obligation to lift up those that we love and tell them how and why they are important to us. If I understand and acknowledge how desperately I need support, encouragement, and love, then it’s easy to understand how children need that so much more.

Years ago, I found a passion for mentoring children. As a kid, I was set up with a mentor that truly changed my life for the better. My mentor showered me with kind words and never hesitated in lifting my spirits. It was exactly what I needed then and is exactly what I still need today. I have rerouted my life towards social work and enrolled back in college to obtain a degree in Family Science. As I am now in my final semester with McNeese State University and working in an internship with a national leader in youth development programs, I have become inspired.  Camp Fire is teaching me and challenging me in ways that I had never expected. I’m taking notes, doing the extra research, and studying on the side. I am committed to truly submerging myself into this opportunity.  It is a great honor for me to support and help an inclusive national youth development organization push the Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® campaign. I hope this inspires you the way that Camp Fire has inspired me.

Please, reach out and raise the spirits of every child you know on Thursday, March 18, 2021.  Let’s spread some good.

March 17, 2021

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