Camp Fire & the Positive Youth Development Movement

Camp Fire Minnesota If you’ve been around Camp Fire at all, you’ve probably heard the term Positive Youth Development (PYD). Good ol’ context clues can tell you that this movement is about helping young people grow up happy, healthy and engaged, but here’s the deeper dive: It wasn’t until the

Shifting Goal Gears: Stay Flexible, Stay On-Track

Camp Fire Central Texas It’s nearing the end of January! How are your 2018 resolutions tracking? Some research shows just 58 percent of resolutions survive the first month, and only 9 percent of people over all report achieving a New Year’s resolution. Some of that failure probably has to do with

How to Set Smart Goals—Whether You’re a Kid or a Kid-at-Heart

What’s on your 2018 resolution list? Not to get all meta on you, but making better resolutions is always on ours. Smart goals are achieved goals! Goal management is one the four pillars of Thrive{ology} (our proven path to youth success) along with Sparks, a Growth Mindset and Reflection (which

10 Reasons Camp Fire Stands Out From the Crowd

Camp Fire Green Country, Tulsa, OK We get a lot of comparisons to other pro-kid nonprofits, and we applaud the hard work our peer organizations do. But today, we want to tell you why Camp Fire is different, and what makes us an innovative leader in youth development: 1. Camp

10 Reasons We’re #CampFireStrong

Camp Fire West Michigan 4C 1. We’re innovative leaders in youth development—that’s our SPARK. We love helping kids be the best they can be, right now. So we make sure we’re on the cutting edge of positive youth development research. When we learn new and better ways to serve kids,

How to Have a Hard Conversation

Camp Fire Alabama Conflict isn’t fun. Hard conversations can feel like a gut-punch, so most of us do everything we can to avoid them. But in the end, avoidance isn’t good for us, or our relationships. The good news? There are healthy ways to handle conflict and hard conversations. Anyone

Camp Fire Transforms Youth Into Powerful Peacemakers

Camp Fire Orca in Tacoma, Washington. Can you feel it? In the past several years, our culture seems to have hit new highs…or lows…when it comes to division, hostility, and opposition. While we see constant conflict take its toll globally, we also know how interpersonal problems can do serious damage

Your Kids & Conflict Resolution: Why It Matters

Camp Fire Georgia October is National Bullying Prevention Month. While there are many good ways we can address bullying with the kids and teens in our lives, this month we’re going to focus on just one strategy related to Camp Fire’s expertise that can make a difference in bullying prevention:

How We Talk About Failure & Success with Our Kids

Camp Fire Gulf Wind in Pensacola, Florida, Aug. 2017 Current research shows that our intelligence isn’t fixed – it can actually change! How? One of the keys to success in both school and life is adopting a growth mindset. Camp Fire believes it is important to help the kids and