Sarah LittleRedfeather of Honor the Earth dances with an eagle feather in front of the construction site for the Line 3 oil pipeline near Palisade, Minnesota, on January 9, 2021. Kerem Yucel/AFP via Getty Images

What’s Environmental Justice?

Learning from Camp Fire intern Maggie Bailey If you’ve been paying attention to the environmental movement and environmental justice, you know that young people are leading the way, calling us to task, and showing us how to do better. Camp Fire is no different. We’ve been learning from one our

Celebrate Earth Day: Work for Environmental Justice

The outdoors is inextricably woven into Camp Fire’s inception, history and goals for the future. Similarly, social justice is undeniably tied to environmental justice: We live in the environment, we share in the environment. What we do to, with and for the environment we do to, with and for each