Illustration of a young person looking stressed - there is a thought bubble with words: eating in public, family dinners, family expectations, less alone time, final exams, etc.

Supporting young people through the holidays: 20 ways to help this season

The holidays: when both cheer and stress levels reach epic highs. Many young people are already struggling with mental health issues, and the season creates extra challenges. Gatherings can highlight family tensions, sleep and routines get disrupted, and normal sources of support (like school counselors and Camp Fire programming) aren’t
Image of two rivers meeting with Camp Fire and NIEA logos

A Confluence of Two Rivers: Introducing a New Relationship with the National Indian Education Association (NIEA) and Camp Fire

When two or more rivers meet, it is often called a confluence. When this happens, the temperature and composition of the waters may change. The new river may adjust its course. But ultimately, both rivers are strengthened by this mutual convergence. The water continues on its way, newly defined, with

Equity in Action

What do you think of when you think about equity? Fairness? Equality? Acting justly?  When we talk about equity at Camp Fire, we’re not talking about an unreachable ideal. We’re not focusing on a simplistic, everybody-gets-the-same-size-slice-of-pizza approach. We mean an inclusive value that is alive, nuanced and, frankly, difficult.  We’re
Blue background: A Call to Connection

A call for connection…

It would be arrogant to pretend that we have the right words to describe what is happening in Israel and Palestine. Our hearts are heavy for all who are affected. Our words feel small in the brutal face of war, immense fear, deep loss, and blind hatred. Camp Fire is

How can nature help us reframe ‘work’? 

“What happens when you shift from thinking of your team functioning like a well-oiled machine to a well-nurtured meadow?”  This is just one of the many re-framing questions from José González, an environmentalist, Chicano and educator, and founder of Latino Outdoors and Outdoorist Oath. José helps others see culture through
Join our National Board of Trustees

Inclusive Youth Development Organization Camp Fire Seeks Candidates for National Board of Trustees

Camp Fire is seeking a diverse group of candidates across the U.S. to serve on the Camp Fire National Board of Trustees beginning in January 2024.  Growing up is hard. That’s why Camp Fire connects young people to the outdoors, to others, and to themselves. We envision a world where
Header image with a brain, light bulb, question mark, error computer message, notebook, an thought bubble

13 Questions You Can Ask a Kid or Teen to Help Them Develop a STEM Mindset 

This post was written by HK, Camp Fire National Headquarters’ Training & Development Manager. HK Gilbert has been working with young people in the outdoors since they graduated from counselor-in-training as a camper! HK believes strongly in the power of trauma-informed, connection-focused youth work. They are passionate about teaching and supporting adults so
image with 3M, Camp Fire and AT&T logos

Camp Fire Expands National Youth STEM Programming with Support from AT&T and 3M

Contributions will make it possible for Camp Fire to collaborate with Imagine Science to bring equitable science, technology, engineering, and math opportunities to more underserved young people nationwide. KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Sept. 14, 2023)–Building on its decades of science, technology, engineering and math programming, inclusive national youth development organization Camp

Building on our STEM Foundations

Have you ever had the experience of being fully in the moment … and only later realizing how well that presence set you up for the future? Maybe you got so in the flow of doing something you love that you didn’t realize how much you learned until months later.