Join our National Board of Trustees

Inclusive Youth Development Organization Camp Fire Seeks Candidates for National Board of Trustees

Camp Fire is seeking a diverse group of candidates across the U.S. to serve on the Camp Fire National Board of Trustees beginning in January 2024. 

Growing up is hard. That’s why Camp Fire connects young people to the outdoors, to others, and to themselves. We envision a world where all young people thrive and have equal opportunities for self-discovery, community connection, and engagement with nature.  

Our organization is at an exciting inflection point. Building on our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan, and with a recent catalytic investment from #startsmall, and new collaborations with AT&T, 3M, and Teva, the board is looking to expand with new members who are equally motivated to build on this momentum and advance Camp Fire’s mission. 


Board terms are three years. The board meets three times a year, with one of those meetings in person and the other two held virtually. All board members also serve on at least one committee which meets virtually. 

We are proud to have 100% board giving on our National Board of Trustees. 

Board Candidate Qualifications 

We welcome and encourage people of all backgrounds to apply. While Camp Fire seeks candidates with diverse perspectives and expertise, geographic location, and lived experiences, we are focusing our search on individuals with expertise in human resources, legal, public relations, and accounting/finance. Board members must be committed to Camp Fire’s Statement of Inclusion.  

Board Application Process 

To learn more about our organization, visit

To learn more about board expectations, apply, or nominate someone, please contact Please include your resume and/or LinkedIn profile and complete the Application for Election to the Camp Fire Board Camp Fire Trustee APPLICATION Fillable PDF_Final.pdf 

Applications and resumes must be submitted by October 20, 2023.  

Potential candidates will be vetted in November 2023 with recommendations for new board members to be presented to the current National Board at their meeting during our National Leadership Conference on November 29, 2023. Elected candidates will begin their board service on January 1, 2024.  

September 25, 2023

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