Heartbreak and Horror: Resources to Talk to Kids About Gun Violence and When the News is Scary

Written by: Erin K Risner, Parent, Kansas City Resident and Sr. Director of Marketing & Communications I’m not only a Kansas City area resident and a youth development professional, but I’m also a mom of two who watched online as the horror of yesterday’s shooting unfolded in my own community.

Protecting kids is our first priority

Safety is at the very heart of what Camp Fire is all about. In fact, you could say it’s the very first thing we do. If kids aren’t safe, nothing else matters. We have to first support child well-being and safety overall before we can achieve our mission of connecting
Hiking in the forrest

An open letter to Camp Fire parents

To: Camp Fire camp parents/caregivers From: Nikki Roe Cropp, Director, Program Effectiveness Dear current or prospective Camp Fire camp parent/caregiver: Hi! We are so excited you are thinking about or already have enrolled your child in a Camp Fire camp this summer!  Safety is likely forefront of your mind as