Why are there pronouns in our email signatures?
You may have noticed something new at the bottom of emails coming from us: Little notes listing our personal pronouns.
These are just a few examples; there are many different personal pronouns in use today.
All Camp Fire staff now list their personal pronouns in their email signatures. Why?
Camp Fire actively welcomes our transgender and non-binary co-workers, young people, volunteers, and donors. Sharing our personal pronouns affirms our belief that every individual has the right to define their own identity. Putting our personal pronouns in our email signatures is an easy way to let recipients know we honor those definitions—and want to know their personal pronouns, too!
This is another small step in Camp Fire’s long tradition of inclusivity. Using names our youth choose for themselves is not new in Camp Fire. We’ve been doing it for over 100 years! And it’s in our official inclusion policy states: In Camp Fire, everyone is welcome.
Including your personal pronouns in introductions and emails is just one way we can make the world—and Camp Fire—a more friendly place for trans and non-binary people. Want to learn more? Check out:
- The Camp Accessibility, Meaningful Participation and Equal Representation (CAMPER) initiative led by Camp Fire’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Specialist, Ben Matthews.
- 8 Ways to Encourage Youth Inclusivity and Diversity
Excellent resources from Straight for Equality and PFLAG