Screenshot of the Washington Post article

Alumni Story: A soldier in Vietnam and a girl wrote letters. Decades later, they finally met.

Camp Fire was on the front page of the Washington Post – and it was for a really cool reason!

“Col. Ned Edward Felder was serving in Vietnam when he was surprised by a care package from a stranger. It wasn’t the contents that touched him; it was the idea that someone had taken the trouble to send it. Alone in the midst of a war thousands of miles from his own home and family, the kindness felt enormous.

Kristina Olson, a shy 12-year-old girl who had knocked on neighbors’ doors in Michigan to ask for donations to send to soldiers as part of a Camp Fire group, was just as surprised, and delighted, when she saw that a stranger had taken the time to write a thank-you note for the gift.

So, she wrote back.

And thus, in 1967, began an unlikely friendship, an exchange of letters that spanned years, continents, and deep cultural divides.”

Read the full article at

December 12, 2023

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