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]]>Our partners at On Our Sleeves are experts on youth mental health, so we asked them what advice they have for adults who want to encourage young people for Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® on March 21st.
Whitney Raglin Bignall, PhD, Associate Clinical Director, The On Our Sleeves Movement For Children’s Mental Health and Pediatric Psychologist, Nationwide Children’s Hospital shared her insights about the power of praise and how we can make it a practice.
Praise is one of the best techniques when working with kids!
It builds confidence, helps them to know what we like, and can reinforce the behaviors we want to see more.
The key is “catching” the good stuff, so we can praise and acknowledge it. How do you do it?
It’s not a magic wand, but you might be surprised about how powerful praise is when you take the time to give your children some positive attention.
Need more ideas on building up your child’s happiness and mental health? Check out!
Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® is March 21st!
Every year, millions of people write/tell a young person in their life why they matter and what makes them amazing. Camp Fire founded this holiday in 1997 to encourage and inspire young people nationwide. Learn more at
Your words are powerful. Encourage a young person. Make an impact.
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]]>The post Supporting young people through the holidays: 20 ways to help this season appeared first on Camp Fire.
]]>Child development experts emphasize the importance of setting realistic expectations for the holidays, sticking to a normal schedule as much as possible, getting time outside and practicing gratitude together. Simplifying gift-giving, practicing social skills before get-togethers, giving teens space to be moody are also solid strategies.
What else can you help the young people in your life this winter? Use the same guidelines our staff and volunteers do to build strong relationships at Camp Fire! Follow the Search Institute’s framework for positive developmental relationships to bring some consistency and affirmation to the season.
These tips are relevant whether you are trying to encourage kids and teens you are raising, related to, and/or in your wider chosen family. We’ve taken the Search Institute’s framework and given it a holiday twist below to create 20 ideas for supporting young people through the holidays. Let’s go!
Express Care
Challenge Growth
Provide Support
Share Power
Expand Possibilities
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]]>The post Your Child’s Work Future & the Urgency of Social-Emotional Learning appeared first on Camp Fire.
]]>So, we want to take a quick break from our usual present-focus to talk about how Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) sets kids up for success in their future workplaces.
If you’ve got a friend who’s skeptical about the importance of teaching SEL, here’s your argument: They’re going to have those social-emotional talents to get (and keep) a job!
In a recent survey of 4,000 professionals, LinkedIn discovered that companies’ top training priority was teaching their employees “soft skills”—those human traits that can’t be replicated by computers, data sets or automation. Fifty-seven percent of the leaders they talked to said those talents were more important than job-specific “hard” skills.
What skills are particularly in demand? LinkedIn says leadership, communication, collaboration and time management. All skills that social-emotional learning programs (like Camp Fire!) build toward.
LinkedIn isn’t the only one noticing how important SEL skills sets are becoming to employers. The World Economic Forum’s 2016 Future of Jobs report says it plainly:
“Overall, social skills—such as persuasion, emotional intelligence and teaching others—will be in higher demand across industries than narrow technical skills, such as programming or equipment operation and control.”
The WEF predicts 36 percent of future jobs will demand complex problem-solving skills and lists nine additional social-emotional skills that will be key in future work situations: cognitive flexibility, negotiation skills, service orientation, judgment and decision making, emotional intelligence, coordinating with others, people management, creativity and critical thinking.
Camp Fire’s Thrive{ology} framework teaches four foundational SEL practices that lead to all of these in-demand abilities. Identifying sparks, practicing a growth mindset, goal management and thriving are a social-emotional launching pad for developing all kinds of valuable know-how…now and in the future!
Want to support kids’ current and future Social-Emotional Learning? We’d love your help! Get involved, friends!
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]]>The post How Social-Emotional Learning Helps Your Kids Thrive appeared first on Camp Fire.
]]>On a gut-level, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) makes total sense. We know young people need whole-life tools to thrive. But what does the research say?
In short, Social-Emotional Learning works.
Here’s a run-down of some leading studies tracking social-emotional learning outcomes in the classroom and beyond.
Science says social-emotional learning gives kids an edge immediately, and you know Camp Fire is all about the right now. But SEL also sets kids up for success as adults; we’ll get into that research in our next blog post!
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]]>The post What in the World is Social-Emotional Learning? appeared first on Camp Fire.
]]>Social-Emotional Learning recognizes that critical life skills extend beyond the traditional reading, writing and arithmetic. We know (both intuitively and through evidence-based studies) that kids thrive when they are taught how to identify and manage their emotions, build healthy relationships and make great decisions.
Our Thrive{ology} framework is founded on SEL principles, which we formalized in 2012 and have since integrated into all of our programs nationwide. Camp Fire focuses on the “whole child’ skills of identifying sparks, developing a growth mindset, learning goal management and reflecting. These are social and emotional tools that kids will use their entire lives, no matter what vocations they choose or challenges they face.
We also use Social-Emotional Learning touchpoints to measure Camp Fire’s impact. Sure, it’s cool to know how many kids are learning hard skills like archery, water safety or better after-school study habits in our programs. But we’re more interested in whether they are learning how to live. So twice a year, we conduct surveys to find out how Camp Fire’s 180,000+ participants are progressing in social skills, life skills, conflict resolution, confidence, purpose and appreciate of nature.
These thriving indicators are the reason we do everything we do! And we’re psyched that they way we’ve done things for 100+ years is now being backed up by Social-Emotional Learning research and embraced by schools and youth organizations across the globe.
We’ll be celebrating Social-Emotional Learning all month on the blog and our social media accounts. Join in the conversation by posting below or finding us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter!
The post What in the World is Social-Emotional Learning? appeared first on Camp Fire.