The desire for connection is something we all feel, but there is an inherent vulnerability tied to it. To connect, we must put ourselves out there in one way or another. Connection doesn’t just happen, and it doesn’t happen “to” us passively — we must take an active role — no matter who we are. Connecting to ourselves, others, and the outdoors takes courage and openness.
Camp Fire aims to be a safe place for all. It is only when that safety exists and youth can “simply be” that real connection and growth is possible (see our holisitic definition of thriving). This is our mission. Over the past program year (Sept. 2022-Aug. 2023), we’ve brought our mission to life through more than 94 in-school and afterschool programs, 79 environmental and outdoor programs, 32 teen leadership programs, forged innovative partnerships, and continued to prioritize and equity and youth voice.
You’ll find in this report the many ways that we continued to learn and grow as an organization. Advancing equity will remain a priority as we move forward as a values-led organization and strive to be relevant to today’s youth and families, meeting the current moment we all find ourselves in.
Our 46 affiliates in 24 states served more than 713,000 youth, adults and families across 5,100+ program sites over the past eight years. Numbers are important, but what really matters are the individual stories of impact at the local level.
We share the following snapshot of Camp Fire’s impact across the country to connect you with the work you make possible. Thank you for being with us on this journey.
Wishing you more courage for more connection,

Greg Zweber, CEO | Camp Fire National Headquarters