Ways to give

Ways to give

Give to Camp Fire

We believe all young people should have the chance to belong, connect with nature, and learn critical life skills. Thank you for joining us in this life-changing work and investing in youth! Here are 7 ways to express your generosity:

Donor Advised Funds

A growing trend in recent years, a donor-advised fund is like a charitable savings account, gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often your money is granted to charities.

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Workplace Match

Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Some provide matching funds to support employee volunteer hours.

Check with your employer today.

Donate Securities

Donating appreciated securities like stocks, bonds or mutual funds is quick, surprisingly simple and may provide you with significant tax benefits. We’re here to help.

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Gift a Legacy

A bequest by will is a unique way to ensure that Camp Fire’s work will continue. Your bequest can be tailored to complement your personal lifestyle and financial goals, all the while supporting youth through the long-term viability of Camp Fire.

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Donate your Vehicle

Turn your car into a camper scholarship for youth. By donating your vehicle to Camp Fire, you can help a kid or teen have transformational opportunities and the chance to thrive. Make a difference today.

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Donor advised funds

You transfer cash or other assets to a tax-exempt sponsoring organization such as a public foundation. You can then recommend-but not direct-how much and how often money is granted. In addition, you avoid the cost and complexities of managing a private foundation.

In return, you qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction at the time you contribute to the account. This also allows for a centralized giving and record-keeping system in one location.

An Example of How It Works

Joe and Laura want to give back to their hometown by putting their money where it will do the most good. They establish a $25,000 donor advised fund with a community foundation.

The couple receives a federal income tax charitable deduction for the gift. They also get all the time they need to decide which charities to support.

After researching community needs with the foundation’s staff, Joe and Laura recommend a grant for Camp Fire National Headquarters (which Laura, her daughter, and granddaughter have been Camp Fire campers for generations). The foundation presents the charities with checks from the Julia Donor Advised Fund, which Joe and Laura named in honor of their granddaughter. Joe and Laura are delighted to start this personal legacy of giving.

Appreciated Securities

Making gifts of appreciated securities need not be complicated. When giving securities be sure to consult with your financial advisors and/or attorney. Additional time should be allowed for completion of such gift transactions.

Transfer Instructions for Stock Held with a Broker (Securities held by your broker)

  1. Contact the Camp Fire National Headquarters to notify us of your gift. Please contact LaShee Thomas, LaShee.Thomas@campfire.org.
  2. Instruct your broker in writing to transfer the stock directly to Camp Fire National’s brokerage account (see below for details).
  3. Confirm your gift with a letter to Camp Fire National’s Office of Development describing the securities and specifying how your gift should be designated or complete https://campfire.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Camp-Fire-Transfer-Instructions.pdf

Instructions for Stock Held in Certificate Form (Certificates you hold)

  1. Contact the Camp Fire National Headquarters to notify us of your gift. Please contact LaShee Thomas, LaShee.Thomas@campfire.org.
  2. Mail the unendorsed certificate, along with a letter of instruction, to the Camp Fire National Headquarter.
  3. In a separate envelope, mail a stock power (signed and dated) for each certificate to:

Camp Fire National Headquarters

Office of Development

1801 Main St Ste 200

Kansas City, MO 64108

FEIN # 13-1623921

As with any decision involving your estate plans, we urge you to seek the advice of professional counsel when considering a gift to Camp Fire National Headquarters.

To learn more about how you can contribute through planned giving, please contact LaShee Thomas, at LaShee.Thomas@campfire.org.

As with any decision involving your estate plans, we urge you to seek the advice of professional counsel when considering a gift to Camp Fire National Headquarters. Our Tax ID is 13-1623921.

Legacy Gifts

What are the advantages of making a bequest?

  • It is not payable until death, so it does not affect your assets or cash flow during your lifetime.
  • It is private – your will is not filed or made public until your death.
  • It is revocable – you can change the provisions in your will at any time until death.

What is the best way to include Camp Fire National in a will?

When including a provision of us in your will, you will want to make sure that your intention is stated clearly and that you have our correct name and address. It would be prudent if you or your advisor calls us before drafting the document to ensure that the information you are including is accurate.

Here are some of your options:

  • How will your gift be used: You may opt to designate a program at Camp Fire National as a beneficiary of your gift, or you may leave your gift to be used at the discretion of our Board of Trustees.
  • What form should your gift take: You may choose to designate that we receive a specific sum from your estate (for example $5,000), or you may choose to leave a percentage of your estate (for example 5%).
  • What asset should you use: You can give almost any kind of asset through a bequest, including cash, securities, an interest in real estate, tangible personal property, or the remainder of your IRA, tax-sheltered annuity, qualified pension, or profit-sharing plan.

Sample Bequest Language:


What if I have already written my will?

You can amend a will to make a gift without rewriting the entire document. Your attorney can prepare the simple statement, called a codicil, that adds a new bequest to us while reaffirming the other terms of your will. If you have or plan to include Camp Fire National in a bequest provision, please notify us by using the Camp Fire National Headquarters Bequest Intention form so that we ensure your wishes can be fulfilled.

To learn more about how you can contribute through planned giving, please contact LaShee Thomas, at LaShee.Thomas@campfire.org.

As with any decision involving your estate plans, we urge you to seek the advice of professional counsel when considering a gift to Camp Fire National Headquarters. Our Tax ID is 13-1623921.

Partner with us

We partner with organizations that share our values and help equip youth for a thriving and successful life.