Tell a Kid Why They Amaze You on Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®

March 15, 2018

The Medium Doesn’t Matter, the Message Does: Tell a Kid Why They Amaze You on Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®

On March 15, Thousands Will Participate Nationwide in Camp Fire’s Unique #KidDay Holiday With One Goal—to Encourage Kids

Every year, on the third Thursday of March, thousands of adults across the country send notes, emails, letters, texts, or videos to encourage the young people in their lives. Why? It’s Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®. The medium doesn’t matter, the message does: “You are incredible, and here’s why…” This year, #AIKD is celebrated on March 15, 2018.

Camp Fire, an innovative leader in youth development since 1910, founded Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® in 1997 to inspire, encourage, and uplift our nation’s youth. Camp Fire’s 53 councils, in 25 states and D.C., will engage their communities online and offline (through special events and programs) for this powerful holiday.

“We can all remember a moment as a child when an adult spoke words of encouragement that struck a chord in our heart and seared into our mind. Those words can change our lives, build our confidence in who we are, and transform what we believe about ourselves.” – President and CEO Cathy Tisdale

“Kids are hungry for our encouragement, to really feel seen and heard. What better way than to dedicate a day, once a year, to celebrating a kid in your life and telling them why they are incredible?” said President and CEO Cathy Tisdale. “We invite you to join thousands across the country, along with the Camp Fire Movement and our philanthropic and community partners, to celebrate the amazing kids we know on Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®!”

Fostering self-esteem and self-confidence in youth through Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a cornerstone of Camp Fire’s “Thrive{ology}” program framework. Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® is another way to build up a child and reinforce their individual importance, using the power of words. In fact, one young woman in California recently went off to college and took 12 years’ worth of her Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® letters with her because they had made such an impact on her life!

Camp Fire councils throughout the U.S. are holding events, such as a letter-writing station set up at a mall with local celebrities in Florida; an evening dinner celebration in Iowa; the governors of Massachusetts and Texas issuing state-wide proclamations for Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® and holding a photo op with their local kids; a fundraiser breakfast in Kansas City; a free ice-skating event for families in Oregon; the capturing of video testimonials in Washington State; and an in-school activity in California, just to name a few. National Digital Media partners include Interbrand Health, New York Life Foundation, Lathrop & Gage LLP, Nonprofit Risk Management Center, Nonprofit Leadership Alliance, Youth Service America, and Afterschool Alliance.

“At a time when our youth are being bombarded with conflicting and negative messages via the 24/7 news cycles and social media and too many kids are feeling marginalized or left out, Absolutely Incredible Kid Day is the perfect opportunity for all of us to come together and lift them up,” said Tisdale. “Can you think of time better spent?”

Your words are powerful. Will you promise to tell at least one kid why they are incredible?
Here are some resources to help you write a kid in your life:

You can follow the event on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and see what others are doing by using the hashtags #AIKD and #KidDay. Thanks for celebrating youth with us!

For more information, please contact:

Erin Risner, Director of Marketing & Communications, Camp Fire National Headquarters



March 15, 2018

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