What can YOU do for YOUTH on #GivingTuesday in ONE WEEK?

Because of you, Camp Fire is on its way to being stronger than ever. In 2017, we grew a lot (we served 19.5% more Camp Fire kids than 2016), added new programs across the country, got some major investments and partnerships, and have even MORE exciting news next week. We want to keep this momentum going in 2018, […]

Camp Fire Selected as National Partner to Strengthen Youth Relationships

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MINNEAPOLIS, MN (November 16, 2017)—Search Institute has selected Camp Fire to be one of five national partners to co-create and test innovative ways to strengthen the relationships that young people in marginalized communities experience in their schools, programs, and families. Camp Fire National Headquarters will work with Camp Fire Columbia in Portland, OR, and […]

Demonstrating the need to educate, guide, and encourage youth

Life can turn on a dime. Words that have meaning in one moment become unimportant or seem glib in another. What follows here is not what I wrote a week ago for my July blog. With our nation’s 240th year of independence fresh on my mind, I wrote words of hope for our country, the […]

New Trustees Raise the Camp Fire Voice

Camp Fire National Headquarters recently announced the election of three new members to its Board of Trustees. Each represents a considerable level of global and national executive leadership experience and expertise, a strong bias for innovation and action, and a deep commitment to America’s youth. Jane Parker, currently CEO of Interbrand Health, New York City, […]

S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Invests $597,000 in Camp Fire’s Promise to Youth

S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Invests $597,000 in Camp Fire’s Promise to Youth Kansas City, Mo. – Camp Fire National Headquarters has received a generous grant from The S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation that will help Camp Fire expand nationwide education of Camp Fire’s trained, caring adults and help drive Camp Fire’s strategic planning process. The S.D. […]

Teens In Action Youth Want To Save Their Park

Youth want to shape the world, especially teens! Teen service and leadership are vital to building a healthy community and a better world – when our youth thrive, the community thrives! For more than 80 years, Camp Fire has been providing opportunities for young people to shape their world through community service, leadership, and personal […]

It’s not a program; it’s a practice

Youth voice at Camp Fire  Living out your values is never easy. One of our core Camp Fire values is, “We honor the power of young people.” To us, honoring power means sharing power through significant youth participation and decision-making.   But what does this look like in practice? We’re working hard to authentically integrate youth […]

Camp Fire’s People & Impact: 2022-2023

The desire for connection is something we all feel, but there is an inherent vulnerability tied to it. To connect, we must put ourselves out there in one way or another. Connection doesn’t just happen, and it doesn’t happen “to” us passively — we must take an active role — no matter who we are. […]

New, First-of-its-Kind Study: Creating Gender-Affirming Spaces at Summer Camp

Authored by Hannah Howard (she/her), Camp Fire National Evaluation Manager, and author of “Space for Identity Exploration: Through the Lens of Gender” Our values are our North Star. They guide our strategic vision and our day-to-day work. We’ve been a values-led organization since 1910, and it’s what has allowed us to survive for 114 years […]

Camp Fire’s approach to trauma: What it means to be trauma-informed

You’ve heard us say it many times: Growing up is hard. That’s the why behind everything we do. But when we say hard…just how hard are we talking?   Right now, really hard. Like, clinically hard. We’re in a youth mental health crisis, and one of the underlying causes is trauma.    What is trauma?   […]