Growth Mindset: Your Key to Thriving

Do you believe people can change? Do you think we can grow? Do you consider things like intelligence, talents and skills prizes of a random genetic lottery or qualities anybody can develop with time and tenacity? Camp Fire is built around the belief that we can boost our smarts, develop new skills (or lose them […]

Growth Mindset Continues to Grow Impact

Believing that a growth mindset is available to everyone at any time is a fundamental, anchoring belief at Camp Fire. The value of introducing a growth mindset—the belief that you can always learn new skills—continues to reward young lives through increased love of learning, personal resilience, and self-confidence. At Camp Fire Green Country’s recent Spring […]

5 Ways to Make a Big Impact for Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®

Here at Camp Fire, every day is about helping kids thrive. But we wanted to take one day a year to really do it BIG. That’s why we started Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® in 1997. Every year on the third Thursday of March, thousands of adults across the country join Camp Fire in lifting up young people…with […]

Camp Fire’s Values Deepen as We Grow

When Camp Fire began in 1910, its values were simply “work, health, love.” As we’ve grown and expanded—and as humans continue to better understand ourselves and how we can help each other thrive—our organizational values have deepened. As part of our efforts to refocus on Camp Fire’s why (growing up is hard!), and to wholeheartedly […]

Meet our 2020 Incredible Kids!

March 19th is Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® and we are honored to celebrate our two national Incredible Kids for 2020. Taijah and Aidan are being recognized for their perseverance, dedication to their communities, and desire to make the world a better place. We will be celebrating with them at our Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® Celebration […]

Teens Lead at Camp Fire

Camp Fire is founded on the belief that young people want to shape the world. Camp Fire doesn’t just sponsor programs for young people. It’s a platform for young people to create their own programs and engage with their communities, on their own terms. Positive youth development folks call this “youth voice.” It’s the practice […]

Use the power of words on Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®!

It’s a hard world out there. Kids and teenagers are bombarded by negative messages from social media, pop culture and even their peers all day long. They are told in ways both overt and implied: You’re not important. You’re not unique. You’re not good enough. Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® counters those messages with an outpouring […]

5 Ways to Make a Big Impact for Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®

Here at Camp Fire, every day is about helping kids thrive. But we wanted to take one day a year to really do it BIG. That’s why we started Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® in 1997. Every year on the third Thursday of March, thousands of adults across the country join Camp Fire in lifting up […]

Mental health is a key part of thriving

This February, we’re going to be focusing on youth mental health awareness. At Camp Fire, we help kids learn the tools they need to thrive: how to identify their sparks, develop a growth mindset, manage their goals and take time to reflect. Unfortunately, many young people are learning these life lessons in the context of […]