13 Questions You Can Ask a Kid or Teen to Help Them Develop a STEM Mindset 

This post was written by HK, Camp Fire National Headquarters’ Training & Development Manager. HK Gilbert has been working with young people in the outdoors since they graduated from counselor-in-training as a camper! HK believes strongly in the power of trauma-informed, connection-focused youth work. They are passionate about teaching and supporting adults so they can be outstanding mentors […]

Growth Mindset: Your Key to Thriving

Do you believe people can change? Do you think we can grow? Do you consider things like intelligence, talents and skills prizes of a random genetic lottery or qualities anybody can develop with time and tenacity? Camp Fire is built around the belief that we can boost our smarts, develop new skills (or lose them […]

Growth Mindset Continues to Grow Impact

Believing that a growth mindset is available to everyone at any time is a fundamental, anchoring belief at Camp Fire. The value of introducing a growth mindset—the belief that you can always learn new skills—continues to reward young lives through increased love of learning, personal resilience, and self-confidence. At Camp Fire Green Country’s recent Spring […]

5 Ways to Make a Big Impact for Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®

Here at Camp Fire, every day is about helping kids thrive. But we wanted to take one day a year to really do it BIG. That’s why we started Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® in 1997. Every year on the third Thursday of March, thousands of adults across the country join Camp Fire in lifting up young people…with […]

From Allies to Accomplices: Get uncomfortable! 

What does the word accomplice mean to you? Someone aiding and abetting questionable activity? A dangerous co-conspirator? An accessory to a crime?  Today, we’re exploring a different definition of accomplice. As we strive to become a more equitable organization, we’ve noticed movement leaders use the word in an intriguing way. So we sat down with […]

Reconnection over Resolution

This January, we’re trying something new: We’re focusing on reconnection instead of resolutions. Our December National Leadership Conference theme was Camp Fire (re)Connects.   Camp Fire’s mission is to connect young people to the outdoors, to others and to themselves. It takes regular recommitment to stay the connection course. NLC gave us an inspiration re-up right […]

Equity in Action

What do you think of when you think about equity? Fairness? Equality? Acting justly?  When we talk about equity at Camp Fire, we’re not talking about an unreachable ideal. We’re not focusing on a simplistic, everybody-gets-the-same-size-slice-of-pizza approach. We mean an inclusive value that is alive, nuanced and, frankly, difficult.  We’re committed to fairness that does […]

Growing Up is Hard – But You Can Make it Less Lonely 

You can’t be a growing human without experiencing some amount of pain, discomfort and suffering. But the past few years have introduced new challenges to being a kid: Pandemic isolation, climate fears, political instability, and constant availability of tech tools designed to hijack our brain chemistry to maximize use. Just to name a few.  In […]


CONNECTING YOUTH TO communities & nature SCHOOL YEARPROGRAMS After-school & club programs TEEN SERVICE& LEADERSHIP Leadership programs CAMPS & OUTDOOREDUCATION Nature-powered programs THE CAMP FIRE journey Our program framework is a comprehensive look at what we do and why it matters. WHY IT MATTERS Youth develop essential skills & mindsets Connection to Outdoors Connection to […]